Monday, August 31, 2009

This project has transformed.

I am writing a new blog at

Please come and have a look, all of the energy that was previously devoted to this project is now over there so I'm afraid I wont be posting here anymore.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday, June 30, 2008

I got confirmation from the last person who is going to be involved in the butchering process. Which is really exciting. Things are slowly falling together.

Now I've got to start finding a pig, and then find a space to butcher the pig and store the meat in. I still haven't gotten in touch with the culinary school regarding trading pork for kitchen space, hopefully that will work out. The most complicated thing will be storing the meat once it's butchered. No moments of brilliance with that situation yet.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

This is the first post just to get the ball rolling. I have confirmed two of the people who are going to go in on the pig with me. In a perfect world I will have three other people butchering with me. I'm almost at that goal and I have the last person in mind. One of the guys is the Valedictorian of my culinary school class, he's excellent with meat. He also has a smoker and has some experience with making bacon. The other has no professional culinary training but is a good home cook and is very eager to learn, he's also very good with numbers so maybe he can put together a budget for this endeavor. It's starting to seem like a very promising crew.

Still trying to figure out where I am going to get the pig from. The suckling pig I got in the past was from an Italian butcher, so that's the first place I am going to look. I've also been thinking about a space to do the butchering in, the culinary school I went to rents out their kitchens. Maybe I could arrange a trade, large piece of pork for use of a kitchen.